Foto - foto Latma Rajawali Ausindo 2012
From left, Marsekal Pertama Gutomo Base Commander for Abdul Rachmen Saleh Air Base; and Group Captain Don Sutherland, Officer Commanding N...
From left, Marsekal Pertama Gutomo Base Commander for Abdul Rachmen Saleh Air Base; and Group Captain Don Sutherland, Officer Commanding No. 84 Wing Royal Australian Air Force, face the parade during a welcome ceremony for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A sign at the front of Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) No. 32 Squadron Hangar welcomes Australian participants to Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
From left, Flight Lieutenant Jerome Appleby (seated), a pilot with No. 37 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and Flight Lieutenant Steve Rothenbuhler, a co-pilot with No. 37 Squadron RAAF, discuss with Indonesian Air Force personnel the checkpoints for a mission during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
| Major Reza Sastranegara, of Indonesian Air Force No. 32 Squadron; and Flight Lieutenant Andrew Colledge, of Royal Australian Air Force’s No. 37 Squadron; in conversation following the welcoming ceremony for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A C-130H Hercules from the Indonesian Air Force drops paratroops during a mission for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Corporal Mark Hurst, an Air Dispatcher with Australian Army’s No. 176 Air Dispatch Squadron, shows members of the Indonesian Army through examples parachute rigging during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Flight Lieutenant Steve Rothenbuhler (seated), a co-pilot with No. 37 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), listens to local area brief from Major Reza Satranegara (orange flying suit) of the Indonesian Air Force, during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
From left, Captain Marlon Ardilles and Captain Rudy Hartono of the Indonesian Air Force’s No. 32 Squadron; and Flight Lieutenant Jerome Appleby, of the Royal Australian Air Force’s No. 37 Squadron; discuss airspace requirements for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Personnel of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Australian Army, and Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) stand at ease on parade during a welcome ceremony for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. A RAAF C-130J Hercules is visible in the background. |
A C-130B Hercules from the Indonesian Air Force drops paratroops during a mission for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A line up of tails of C-130 Hercules from Indonesia and Australia participating in Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Personnel of the Royal Australian Air Force and Australian Army (left) and Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) (right) stand at ease during a welcome ceremony parade for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Personnel of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Australian Army, and Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) stand at ease on parade during a welcome ceremony for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. A RAAF C-130J Hercules is visible in the background. |
A C-130B Hercules from the Indonesian Air Force drops paratroops during a mission for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
From left, an Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) KC-130B Hercules, and a Royal Australian Air Force C-130J Hercules, on the flightline at Abdul Rachmen Saleh Air Base during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Female personnel of the Indonesian Air Force join Sergeant Alysa Owen, a Loadmaster with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), in front of a RAAF C-130J Hercules during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Group Captain Don Sutherland, Officer Commanding No 84 Wing, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF); and Major Reza Sastranegara, No. 32 Squadron Indonesian Air Force; shortly after the RAAF contingent arrived at Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Leading Aircraftwoman Elena Reed, a clerk wth No. 37 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force, participates in warm up activities with Indonesian Army personnel at Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Warrant Officer Peter Kennedy, a Loadmaster with Royal Australian Air Force’s No. 37 Squadron, discusses load delivery techniques with counterparts from the Indonesian Air Force during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
The tailplane of a Royal Australian Air Force C-130J Hercules frames an Indonesian Air Force C-130B Hercules during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Technicians from Indonesian Air Force’s No. 32 Squadron assist personnel from Australian Army’s No. 176 Air Dispatch Squadron during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
(from left) Major Reza Sastranegara, Indonesian Air Force, and Flight Lieutenant Andrew Colledge, Royal Australian Air Force, observe paratroop drops during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A TNI-AU C-130B Hercules conducts a low-level pass of the runway during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Leading Aircraftwoman Elena Reed, a clerk wth No. 37 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force, participates in warm up activities with Indonesian Army personnel at Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A Royal Australian Air Force C-130J Hercules on the flightline with an Indonesian Air Force C-130B Hercules during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
Major Sergeant Edy Okdeville, a Loadmaster with No. 32 Squadron Indonesian Air Force, observes Royal Australian Air Force Loadmasters and Australian Army Air Dispatchers restraining a load on board a C-130J Hercules during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A TNI-AU C-130B Hercules conducts a low-level pass of the runway during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
A Royal Australian Air Force C-130J Hercules on the flightline with an Indonesian Air Force C-130B Hercules during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
An Indonesian Air Force C-130B Hercules taxies out on the flightline at Abdul Rachmen Saleh Air Base in Malang, East Java. |
A TNI-AU C-130B Hercules conducts a low-level pass of the runway during Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
First Lieutenant Aries Dwi of the Indonesian Air Force; and Sergeant Alysa Owen, a Loadmaster with the Royal Australian Air Force; present themselves at the front of a welcome ceremony parade for Exercise Rajawali Ausindo 12. |
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