TNI AL, RAN dan US Navy Latihan di Laut Jawa
Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Wakasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio, M.M On Board di kapal Induk AS bernama USS George Washington, kamis ...
Wakil Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Wakasal) Laksamana Madya TNI Marsetio, M.M On Board di kapal Induk AS bernama USS George Washington, kamis (7/7) di perairan Samudera Hindia. On board ke Kapal Induk menggunakan pesawat C2 US Navy VRC-30DET5 milik Amerika yang menjemput Wakasal beserta stafnya di Bandara Halim PerdanaKusuma, kemudian take off menuju ke Kapal Induk USS George Washington.
Keberadaan Kapal Induk USS George Washington adalah dalam rangka kegiatan TF 70 Battle Ships yang melintas di ALKI-1 dari arah Laut China Selatan ke arah Samudera Hindia untuk menuju Australia dalam rangka latihan. Pada kesempatan pelayaran tersebut, dimanfaatkan kegiatan latihan bersama atau Passing Exercises (Passex) dengan unsur-unsur kapal perang TNI AL. Komposisi Passex melibatkan USN Ship-73 (kapal induk USS George Washington), USN Ship- 54 (Fregatte), USN Ship-63 (Fregatte), HMAS Darwin-04 (kapal perang AL Australia), serta kapal perang TNI AL yakni KRI Diponegoro-365 dan KRI Slamet Riyadi-352.
Materi latihan dalam Passing Exercise ini meliputi Flash ex-Flaghoist, Manuver Tactical, Officers Exchange (TNI AL mengirimkan 7 orang Perwira) hingga berakhir di Selat Sunda, serta Demonstrasi EOD oleh tim USN di USS George Washington. Turut hadir mendampingi Wakasal dalam peninjauan tersebut, Wakil Asisten Operasi (Waasops) Kasal Laksamana Pertama TNI Ari Soedewo, S.E., serta Kepala Staf Armada Barat (Kasarmabar) Laksamana Pertama TNI Herry Setianegara, S.Sos.,S.H.,M.M.

INDIAN OCEAN (July 07, 2011) - Capt. David A. Lausman, commanding officer aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), shares a tsunami disaster relief photo book with Indonesian navy Vice Adm. Marsetio, Indonesian navy chief of staff. Several Indonesian military and political dignitaries embarked George Washington the day after the carrier crossed the Sunda Strait.

INDIAN OCEAN (July 07, 2011) - Indonesian naval officers and Deputy Chief of Missions, Ted Osius U.S. Embassy, Indonesia observe flight operations aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73)

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) navigates the Sunda Strait while being escorted by Indonesian naval vessels. George Washington crossed through the Java Sea into the Indian Ocean

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) navigates the Sunda Strait while being escorted by Indonesian naval vessels. George Washington crossed through the Java Sea into the Indian Ocean

The Indonesian ship KRI Slamet Riyadi (352) steams through the Java Sea while transiting from the Java sea to the Indian ocean through the Sunda Strait with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73).

The Indonesian ships KRI Diponegoro (365) (left) and KRI Slamet Riyadi (352) steam in formation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) while transiting from the Java sea to the Indian Ocean through the Sunda Strait.

Royal Australian Navy ship HMAS Darwin (FFG 04), foreground, Indonesian ship KRI Slamet Riyadi (352), middle, and USS Cowpens (CG 63) steam in formation after transiting from the Java sea through the Sunda Strait with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73).

The Indonesian ships KRI Diponegoro (3650 (right center) and KRI Slamet Riyadi (352) (far right) steam in formation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) while transiting from the Java sea to the Indian ocean through the Sunda Strait.
Keberadaan Kapal Induk USS George Washington adalah dalam rangka kegiatan TF 70 Battle Ships yang melintas di ALKI-1 dari arah Laut China Selatan ke arah Samudera Hindia untuk menuju Australia dalam rangka latihan. Pada kesempatan pelayaran tersebut, dimanfaatkan kegiatan latihan bersama atau Passing Exercises (Passex) dengan unsur-unsur kapal perang TNI AL. Komposisi Passex melibatkan USN Ship-73 (kapal induk USS George Washington), USN Ship- 54 (Fregatte), USN Ship-63 (Fregatte), HMAS Darwin-04 (kapal perang AL Australia), serta kapal perang TNI AL yakni KRI Diponegoro-365 dan KRI Slamet Riyadi-352.
Materi latihan dalam Passing Exercise ini meliputi Flash ex-Flaghoist, Manuver Tactical, Officers Exchange (TNI AL mengirimkan 7 orang Perwira) hingga berakhir di Selat Sunda, serta Demonstrasi EOD oleh tim USN di USS George Washington. Turut hadir mendampingi Wakasal dalam peninjauan tersebut, Wakil Asisten Operasi (Waasops) Kasal Laksamana Pertama TNI Ari Soedewo, S.E., serta Kepala Staf Armada Barat (Kasarmabar) Laksamana Pertama TNI Herry Setianegara, S.Sos.,S.H.,M.M.
INDIAN OCEAN (July 07, 2011) - Capt. David A. Lausman, commanding officer aboard the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), shares a tsunami disaster relief photo book with Indonesian navy Vice Adm. Marsetio, Indonesian navy chief of staff. Several Indonesian military and political dignitaries embarked George Washington the day after the carrier crossed the Sunda Strait.
INDIAN OCEAN (July 07, 2011) - Indonesian naval officers and Deputy Chief of Missions, Ted Osius U.S. Embassy, Indonesia observe flight operations aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73)
The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) navigates the Sunda Strait while being escorted by Indonesian naval vessels. George Washington crossed through the Java Sea into the Indian Ocean
The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) navigates the Sunda Strait while being escorted by Indonesian naval vessels. George Washington crossed through the Java Sea into the Indian Ocean
The Indonesian ship KRI Slamet Riyadi (352) steams through the Java Sea while transiting from the Java sea to the Indian ocean through the Sunda Strait with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73).
The Indonesian ships KRI Diponegoro (365) (left) and KRI Slamet Riyadi (352) steam in formation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) while transiting from the Java sea to the Indian Ocean through the Sunda Strait.
Royal Australian Navy ship HMAS Darwin (FFG 04), foreground, Indonesian ship KRI Slamet Riyadi (352), middle, and USS Cowpens (CG 63) steam in formation after transiting from the Java sea through the Sunda Strait with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73).
The Indonesian ships KRI Diponegoro (3650 (right center) and KRI Slamet Riyadi (352) (far right) steam in formation with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) while transiting from the Java sea to the Indian ocean through the Sunda Strait.
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