Perpres Kerjasama Teknik Militer Indonesia - Rusia

Detail Dokumen
April 21, 2003
The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, Taking into account existing between the two states friendly relations based on principles of cooperation, and Guided by mutual desire to strengthen them, Desiring to strengthen the mutually beneficial military-technical cooperation, based on the principles of equality and respect for sovereignty, Reaffirming its commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter United Nations, in accordance with existing legislation in both countries, Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Parties shall exercise military-technical cooperation the following areas:
a) the supply of military-purpose products and associated equipment;
b) providing maintenance, repair, maintenance and modernization of weapons and military equipment supplied and manufactured on a licensed basis or jointly;
c) exchange of experts to assist in the implementation of joint programs in the field of military-technical cooperation; d) training in their respective schools States Parties to the needs and capabilities of the Parties;
d) the acquisition of licenses for the production of armaments and military engineering and technical assistance in organizing their production;
e) joint ventures in the construction and production of armaments and military equipment; g) other activities in the field of military-technical Cooperation does not contradict the laws of the States Parties.
Article 2
In order to implement the military-technical cooperation, under this Agreement, the Parties and / or authorized organizations in each case may conclude relevant treaties, agreements and contracts. Cooperation of the Parties under this Agreement carried out in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
Article 3
Competent authorities of the Parties on the implementation of this Agreement are: the Russian Party - Committee of the Russian Federation military-technical cooperation with foreign states; with the Indonesian parties - the Ministry of Defence Indonesia. Notified bodies shall have the right to assign specific artists and to create appropriate conditions for this Agreement or other agreements entered into in accordance this Agreement. To implement the provisions of this Agreement and the operational address the issues of military-technical cooperation, the Parties provide intergovernmental commission, the composition and functions which are defined accordingly agreed between the Parties to the position.
Article 4
The Parties shall take measures to maintain the military-technical cooperation between them through the sharing of existing scientific and technical information, experts, technical staff and students of military academies and other relevant institutions States Parties, as well as providing full support to the military-technical cooperation between the specialized institutions of both countries. Questions concerning rights to intellectual activities are defined in the contracts or agreements entered into authorized agencies and organizations within the framework of this Agreement, taking into account a fair share of property and the contribution of relevant actors. The parties assured each other that the right results intellectual property imported into the territory of the Parties each of the States Parties to implement any agreement or implementation of an activity, not the result of violation of the legitimate rights of third parties. The Parties shall not impose on each other responsible for any claims of third parties in connection with the ownership or legality of the use of intellectual property rights activities referred to a Party to implement the agreement on Implementation of any project. Usage, legal protection and the protection obtained results of intellectual activity, as well as the allocation of rights Parties to the results of intellectual activity, obtained in the process of joint activities under this Agreement, governed by a separate intergovernmental agreement.
Article 5
Without the prior written consent of the parties do not sell and do not passed to third parties of military products, as well as information and materials received or acquired as a result of military-technical cooperation undertaken in accordance with the this Agreement and does not make upgrading or modification military products, delivered one of the Parties, except in cases of joint development and production. Information received by one Party in the course of cooperation, not should be used to the detriment of the other Party. The Parties shall ensure the protection obtained in the course of this Agreement, information that in accordance with the legislation of the Parties to be confidential. The protection of information constituting a state secret each of the Parties mutually transmitted or generated during cooperation between the Parties are governed by separate intergovernmental agreement. This Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties to other international treaties and agreements to which they are not directed against any third country.
Article 6
Disputes concerning the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations by the Parties.
Article 7
This Agreement agreed by the Parties subject to changes and additions that are made by individual protocols this Agreement.
Article 8
This Agreement shall come into force from the date of the last written notice of the Parties to the domestic procedures necessary for its entry into force. This Agreement shall remain in force for ten years and automatically extended for successive five-year periods, unless less than six months prior to the expiration of this Agreement, neither Party notifies in writing the other Party of its intention to terminate this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect further implementation of the outstanding contracts and agreements prisoners in accordance with this Agreement during its action, unless the parties otherwise agree. In the event of termination of this Agreement, the obligations Parties referred to in Article 5 shall remain in force. IN WITNESS WHERE OF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Moscow on April 21, 2003, in duplicate, each in Russian, Indonesian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In the case of any divergence interpretation will be used by the English text.
April 21, 2003
The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, Taking into account existing between the two states friendly relations based on principles of cooperation, and Guided by mutual desire to strengthen them, Desiring to strengthen the mutually beneficial military-technical cooperation, based on the principles of equality and respect for sovereignty, Reaffirming its commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter United Nations, in accordance with existing legislation in both countries, Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Parties shall exercise military-technical cooperation the following areas:
a) the supply of military-purpose products and associated equipment;
b) providing maintenance, repair, maintenance and modernization of weapons and military equipment supplied and manufactured on a licensed basis or jointly;
c) exchange of experts to assist in the implementation of joint programs in the field of military-technical cooperation; d) training in their respective schools States Parties to the needs and capabilities of the Parties;
d) the acquisition of licenses for the production of armaments and military engineering and technical assistance in organizing their production;
e) joint ventures in the construction and production of armaments and military equipment; g) other activities in the field of military-technical Cooperation does not contradict the laws of the States Parties.
Article 2
In order to implement the military-technical cooperation, under this Agreement, the Parties and / or authorized organizations in each case may conclude relevant treaties, agreements and contracts. Cooperation of the Parties under this Agreement carried out in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
Article 3
Competent authorities of the Parties on the implementation of this Agreement are: the Russian Party - Committee of the Russian Federation military-technical cooperation with foreign states; with the Indonesian parties - the Ministry of Defence Indonesia. Notified bodies shall have the right to assign specific artists and to create appropriate conditions for this Agreement or other agreements entered into in accordance this Agreement. To implement the provisions of this Agreement and the operational address the issues of military-technical cooperation, the Parties provide intergovernmental commission, the composition and functions which are defined accordingly agreed between the Parties to the position.
Article 4
The Parties shall take measures to maintain the military-technical cooperation between them through the sharing of existing scientific and technical information, experts, technical staff and students of military academies and other relevant institutions States Parties, as well as providing full support to the military-technical cooperation between the specialized institutions of both countries. Questions concerning rights to intellectual activities are defined in the contracts or agreements entered into authorized agencies and organizations within the framework of this Agreement, taking into account a fair share of property and the contribution of relevant actors. The parties assured each other that the right results intellectual property imported into the territory of the Parties each of the States Parties to implement any agreement or implementation of an activity, not the result of violation of the legitimate rights of third parties. The Parties shall not impose on each other responsible for any claims of third parties in connection with the ownership or legality of the use of intellectual property rights activities referred to a Party to implement the agreement on Implementation of any project. Usage, legal protection and the protection obtained results of intellectual activity, as well as the allocation of rights Parties to the results of intellectual activity, obtained in the process of joint activities under this Agreement, governed by a separate intergovernmental agreement.
Article 5
Without the prior written consent of the parties do not sell and do not passed to third parties of military products, as well as information and materials received or acquired as a result of military-technical cooperation undertaken in accordance with the this Agreement and does not make upgrading or modification military products, delivered one of the Parties, except in cases of joint development and production. Information received by one Party in the course of cooperation, not should be used to the detriment of the other Party. The Parties shall ensure the protection obtained in the course of this Agreement, information that in accordance with the legislation of the Parties to be confidential. The protection of information constituting a state secret each of the Parties mutually transmitted or generated during cooperation between the Parties are governed by separate intergovernmental agreement. This Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties to other international treaties and agreements to which they are not directed against any third country.
Article 6
Disputes concerning the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations by the Parties.
Article 7
This Agreement agreed by the Parties subject to changes and additions that are made by individual protocols this Agreement.
Article 8
This Agreement shall come into force from the date of the last written notice of the Parties to the domestic procedures necessary for its entry into force. This Agreement shall remain in force for ten years and automatically extended for successive five-year periods, unless less than six months prior to the expiration of this Agreement, neither Party notifies in writing the other Party of its intention to terminate this Agreement. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect further implementation of the outstanding contracts and agreements prisoners in accordance with this Agreement during its action, unless the parties otherwise agree. In the event of termination of this Agreement, the obligations Parties referred to in Article 5 shall remain in force. IN WITNESS WHERE OF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Moscow on April 21, 2003, in duplicate, each in Russian, Indonesian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In the case of any divergence interpretation will be used by the English text.
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